- 美国GSG美标管螺纹量规
- 美国GSG石油螺纹规│GSG牙形板
- 美国GSG美标ASME螺纹规
- 美国GSG精密量规│进口量仪
- 美国GSG螺纹指示规│螺纹量仪
- 美国GSG倒角量规│锪孔量规
- 瑞士Trimos测高仪│Trimos测长机
- Hexagon影像仪│海克斯康三坐标
- 苏州Mitutoyo日本三丰量具
- Fischer菲希尔涂层测厚仪
- Elcometer易高涂层测厚仪
- GE超声波探伤仪
- 奥林巴斯超声波探伤仪
- GBIS超声波探头
- Bruker布鲁克光谱仪
- 赛普斯SCIAPS光谱仪
- Western Instrument仪器
- G.A.L. Gage焊接量规
- Clark硬度计│Sun-Tec
- 日本future-tech硬度计
- King便携式布氏硬度计
- Rex Gauge邵氏硬度计
- Ames便携式洛氏硬度计
- Hemco Gage螺纹规
- PMC Lone Star石油量规
- Vermont螺纹规│VTG螺纹规
- GageAssembly螺纹规
- Threadmaster进口螺纹规
- WESTport Corporation
- Threadcheck螺纹规│三线规
- Mueller Gage沟槽量仪
- Kroeplin精密卡规
- 美国环球Universal Punch
- 德国Schwenk进口内径量仪
- Allen Gauge and Tool
- Fowler High Precision
- Swiss Precision Instruments
- Flexbar Machine Corporation
- Acem螺纹规│Stub Acme螺纹规
- 苏州工量具│测量仪器
- Wrentham Tool Group
- Meyer Gage针规、梅尔量规
- ASKER橡胶硬度计
- Microset 复制胶
- DeFelsko涂层测厚仪
- OSG丝锥│OSG螺纹规
- Western Gage 气动量仪检具
- Michigan Spline Gage Co
- Southwest Calibration Service
- McCord and Company
- Pennoyer-Dodge Company
- Pi Tape Texas, LLC
- Advanced Systems and Designs
- Calmetrics Inc
H. E. Morse Co.公司 成立于1946年,此后不久,一种独特的电镀工艺被开发出来。朝鲜战争期间,H.E.摩尔斯公司开始为美国政府制造螺纹塞规Hemco Gage。独特的电镀工艺应用于量规的镀铬,使其比标准工具钢量规的使用寿命延长400%。Hemco的制造工厂位于美国密歇根州的荷兰。该组织现在通常被称为Hemco或Hemco量规,生产全系列的固定限位量规和可变量规,包括螺纹和圆柱形或平面。Hemco的Ekonogage是我们在荷兰生产的销规生产线。Hemco Gage还生产符合美国石油学会(API)规范的量规,是美国仅有的两家获得API标准量规生产许可的制造商之一。Hemco Gage的产品因其较长的使用寿命和卓越的质量而得到世界各地的认可。
苏州斯托茨机电设备有限公司专业代理德国进口螺纹规、德国DIN量规,德国JBO螺纹规、德国LMW莱尔麦斯量规、意大利Marposs MG量规。同时代理:美国Cameron球规、Mueller Gage航空量仪、Sun-tec硬度计、Universal环球同心度仪、 PMC Lone Star石油螺纹规、PMC Mercury量规、Hemco Gage紧固件螺纹规、Vermont Gage针规、VTG螺纹规、美国GSG非标螺纹规、Threadcheck航空螺纹规、 Westport医疗螺纹规、英国Threadmaster惠氏螺纹规、Tru-thread石油螺纹规、美国Gagemaker单项仪,瑞士TESA测高仪、德国Mahr马尔粗糙度仪、数显深度尺、东精精密圆度仪、Marposs气动量仪、Trimos测高仪、海克斯康三坐标、影像仪、英国Zodiac gauge、英国Original Gauge螺纹规等。
Stub Acme ................. Stub Acme threads ..................................................................................................................................................................... B1.8
UN ............................... Unified inch screw thread, constant-pitch series ................................................................................................................. B1.1
UNC ............................ Unified inch
screw thread, coarse
pitch series .................................................................................................................... B1.1
UNF ............................. Unified inch screw thread, fine-pitch series ........................................................................................................................ B1.1
UNEF .......................... Unified inch screw thread,
extra-fine pitch series .............................................................................................................. B1.1
UNJ .............................. Unified inch screw thread, constant-pitch series, with rounded
root of radius 0.15011P to 0.18042P
(3) UNJC ........................... Unified inch screw thread,
coarse-pitch series, with rounded root of radius 0.15011P to 0.18042P
(3) UNJF ...........................
Unified inch screw thread,
fine-pitch series, with rounded root of radius 0.15011P to 0.18042P
(3) UNJEF ........................ Unified inch screw thread,
extra-fine pitch series, with
root of radius 0.15011P to 0.18042P (3)
UNJS ........................... Unified inch screw thread, special
diameter, pitch or length of engagement with rounded root radius of .15011P-.18042P UNR ............................ Unified inch screw thread, constant-pitch series, with rounded
root of radius not less than 0.108P .................... B1.1
UNRC ......................... Unified inch screw thread, coarse-thread series, with rounded root of radius not less than 0.108P .....................
UNRF .......................... Unified inch screw thread,
fine-pitch series, with
root of radius not less than 0.108P ............................ B1.1
UNREF ....................... Unified inch screw thread,
extra-fine pitch series, with rounded
root of radius not less than 0.108P
................. B1.1
UNM ........................... Unified miniature thread series ............................................................................................................................................... B1.10
UNS ............................. Unified inch
screw thread, special
diameter pitch or length of engagement ............................................................... B1.1
Notes: .......................... (1) All threads, except NGO, are right hand, unless otherwise designated. For NGO
threads, designations RH or LH are required. (2) As published in SAE AS71505
(3) As published in Military Specification MIL-S8879, ISO 3161 and ASME B1.15.