- 瑞士Trimos测高仪│Trimos测长机
- Hexagon影像仪│海克斯康三坐标
- 苏州Mitutoyo日本三丰量具
- Fischer菲希尔涂层测厚仪
- Elcometer易高涂层测厚仪
- GE超声波探伤仪
- 奥林巴斯超声波探伤仪
- GBIS超声波探头
- Bruker布鲁克光谱仪
- 赛普斯SCIAPS光谱仪
- Western Instrument仪器
- G.A.L. Gage焊接量规
- Clark硬度计│Sun-Tec
- 日本future-tech硬度计
- King便携式布氏硬度计
- Rex Gauge邵氏硬度计
- Ames便携式洛氏硬度计
- Hemco Gage螺纹规
- PMC Lone Star石油量规
- Vermont螺纹规│VTG螺纹规
- GageAssembly螺纹规
- Threadmaster进口螺纹规
- WESTport Corporation
- Threadcheck螺纹规│三线规
- Mueller Gage沟槽量仪
- Kroeplin精密卡规
- 美国环球Universal Punch
- 德国Schwenk进口内径量仪
- Allen Gauge and Tool
- Fowler High Precision
- Swiss Precision Instruments
- Flexbar Machine Corporation
- Acem螺纹规│Stub Acme螺纹规
- 苏州工量具│测量仪器
- Wrentham Tool Group
- Meyer Gage针规、梅尔量规
- ASKER橡胶硬度计
- Microset 复制胶
- DeFelsko涂层测厚仪
- OSG丝锥│OSG螺纹规
- Western Gage 气动量仪检具
- Michigan Spline Gage Co
- Southwest Calibration Service
- McCord and Company
- Pennoyer-Dodge Company
- Pi Tape Texas, LLC
- Advanced Systems and Designs
- Calmetrics Inc
- 美国GSG美标管螺纹量规
- 美国GSG石油螺纹规│GSG牙形板
- 美国GSG美标ASME螺纹规
- Glastonbury Southern Gage
- 美国GSG螺纹指示规│螺纹量仪
- 美国GSG倒角量规│锪孔量规
美标可调式开口环规设置规(AGD RING GAGE)
量规设置塞规(STE PLUG)
Thread setting plugs are to be used to set
ring gages only. Their purpose is setting or re-setting the ring gages and
determining if the ring is within tolerance. Setting plugs are not to be used
to check the work piece.
To insure the ring gage is still within its tolerance
after being put into use, the setting plug gage, both GO and NOGO, should be
used to verify accuracy. This also provides the gage user the capability to
reset the ring gage as required. Generally, the setting plug is ordered at the
same time as the thread ring gage and there could be a cost savings when
ordering them together. Remember, the set plug gage is needed in the
manufacturing and certification of the ring gage and they are matched to each
other and meant to be a metal to metal fit. If not set together they most
likely will not fit together without re-setting the ring gage.
GSG全称是Glastonbury Southern Gage,是美国最大的非标量规、工装家具制造商,可以生产各类标准件、CLASS:XXX级的光面环塞规、UNJ航空螺纹量规、MJ米制航空量规、API石油螺纹量规、HBPV螺纹塞规/BPV螺纹环规、Sharp Vee螺纹规、TBG/UPTBG螺纹规、NC螺纹规、REG螺纹规、IF螺纹规、FH螺纹规等,美标AGD可调式螺纹环规、ANPT螺纹规、NPTF螺纹规、PTF
SAE Short螺纹规、GSG螺纹指示规、GSG螺纹中径量仪。
苏州斯托茨机电设备有限公司是一家专业从事测量设备、工装治具销售的企业,销售美国GSG螺纹量规、美国GSG光面量规、美国GSG石油螺纹规。同时销售HEMCO GAGE螺纹规、PMC石油螺纹量规、Gagemaker石油螺纹单项参数检测规、美国Rex Gauge邵氏硬度计、美国Flexbar 16130印模胶泥、法国Plastiform M70/M60/M90打样膏、德国JBO螺纹规、德国马尔粗糙度仪、日本三丰Mitutoyo数显卡尺、INSIZE英士数显深度尺、国产PD-6001内螺纹中径测量仪、PD-6000/PD-8001/PD-8002单项参数测量仪、GALGAGE焊接量规、Threadmaster螺纹规、Allen gauge单项仪、Meyer梅尔针规套装、Western Gage气动量仪、Marposs气动量仪E4N电子柱、Pennoyer-Dodge螺纹规、Barcor Inc倒角规、Sun-tec硬度计、Trimos测长机、影像仪、King硬度计、Cameron ball Gage密封槽球规、Asker橡胶硬度计、威尔逊硬度块、David Ellis硬度块、King硬度块、国产钻石硬度块等。更多产品 比如:CWT® GFM™, Gas Flow Monitor 气体流量计、Mueller
Gage、Universal Punch跳动量仪、国产跳动量仪、期待您的咨询。