- 瑞士Trimos测高仪│Trimos测长机
- Hexagon影像仪│海克斯康三坐标
- 苏州Mitutoyo日本三丰量具
- Fischer菲希尔涂层测厚仪
- Elcometer易高涂层测厚仪
- GE超声波探伤仪
- 奥林巴斯超声波探伤仪
- GBIS超声波探头
- Bruker布鲁克光谱仪
- 赛普斯SCIAPS光谱仪
- Western Instrument仪器
- G.A.L. Gage焊接量规
- Clark硬度计│Sun-Tec
- 日本future-tech硬度计
- King便携式布氏硬度计
- Rex Gauge邵氏硬度计
- Ames便携式洛氏硬度计
- Hemco Gage螺纹规
- PMC Lone Star石油量规
- Vermont螺纹规│VTG螺纹规
- GageAssembly螺纹规
- Threadmaster进口螺纹规
- WESTport Corporation
- Threadcheck螺纹规│三线规
- Mueller Gage沟槽量仪
- Kroeplin精密卡规
- 美国环球Universal Punch
- 德国Schwenk进口内径量仪
- Allen Gauge and Tool
- Fowler High Precision
- Swiss Precision Instruments
- Flexbar Machine Corporation
- Acem螺纹规│Stub Acme螺纹规
- 苏州工量具│测量仪器
- Wrentham Tool Group
- Meyer Gage针规、梅尔量规
- ASKER橡胶硬度计
- Microset 复制胶
- DeFelsko涂层测厚仪
- OSG丝锥│OSG螺纹规
- Western Gage 气动量仪检具
- Michigan Spline Gage Co
- Southwest Calibration Service
- McCord and Company
- Pennoyer-Dodge Company
- Pi Tape Texas, LLC
- Advanced Systems and Designs
- Calmetrics Inc
- 美国GSG美标管螺纹量规
- 美国GSG石油螺纹规│GSG牙形板
- 美国GSG美标ASME螺纹规
- Glastonbury Southern Gage
- 美国GSG螺纹指示规│螺纹量仪
- 美国GSG倒角量规│锪孔量规
PMC旗下的品牌包括:Lone Star, Mercury,
VanKeuren, GF Gage and Size Control.每个品牌都有自己的特色,
Lone Star GAGE-“自1912年起开始向全球客户提供GAGE一站式解决方案”
PMC Lone
Mercury致力于为客户提供业内最优质的塞规和环规、服务和准时交货。自收购Kennametal公司的gage业务——Van Keuren&Size Control Brands(绿地名称的有限许可证)——扩大了PMC gage在工业测量市场的份额。
PMC Lone
Mercury制造测量工具和设备。PMC是一家领先的固定和接地限位塞规和环规制造商,包括普通和螺纹塞规尺寸计量设备,包括ContourReader和SquareMaster。PMC的公司名称为PMC Gage Inc.,其经营商标为PMC Lone Star和PMC Mercury。油管螺纹规 品牌:PMC Lone Star.UPSET(EUE)/NON-UPSET(NUE)TUBING 圆螺纹套管螺纹规 品牌:PMC Lone Star.Round Casing圆螺纹套管螺纹规.工
管线管LP螺纹规 品牌:PMC Lone Star
PMC Lone Star & PMC Mercury are proud to offer the
following products:
- API (American
Petroleum Institute) Thread Plug & Ring Gages工作规 (Working & Master校对规)
- 8 Round
Casing Plug & Ring Gages CSG、LCSG量规
- Line Pipe
Plug & Ring Gages LP量规
- 8 Round
& 10 Round Tubing Plug & Ring Gages TBG/UPSET TBG量规
- Buttress
Casing Plug & Ring Gages BCSG螺纹量规
- Extreme Line
Casing Plug & Ring Gages
- Regular
Rotary (REG) Plug & Ring Gages REG量规
- Numbered
Connection (NC) Plug & Ring Gages NC量规
- Full Hole
(FH) Plug & Ring Gages FH量规
- Internal
Flush (IF) Plug & Ring Gages
- Sucker Rod Plug
& Ring Gages
- Thread
Profile Gages 牙形板
- Lead Setting
Standard Gages 螺距标准块
- Thread
Height Setting Standard Gages 牙高标准块
- Unified Inch
Screw Thread Gages
- Go & Not
Go Thread Plug Gages
- Go & Not
Go Thread Ring Gages
- Go & Not
Go Truncated Thread Setting Plug Gages
- Go & Not
Go Hilo Thread Setting Plug Gages
- Metric M
Screw Thread Gages
- Go & Not
Go Thread Plug Gages
- Go & Not
Go Thread Ring Gages
- Go & Not
Go Truncated Thread Setting Plug Gages
- Go & Not
Go Hilo Thread Setting Plug Gages
- Helical Coil
Thread Plug Gages (STI)
- Acme &
Stub Acme Screw Thread Gages
- Go & Not
Go Thread Plug Gages
- Go & Not
Go Thread Ring Gages
- Go & Not
Go Truncated Thread Setting Plug Gages
- Go & Not
Go Hilo Thread Setting Plug Gages
- Buttress Inch
Screw Thread Gages
- Go & Not
Go Thread Plug Gages
- Go & Not
Go Thread Ring Gages
- Go & Not
Go Truncated Thread Setting Plug Gages
- Cylindrical
Plain Plug Gages – Classes XX, X, Y, Z
- Reversible
Plain Plug Gages
- Taperlock
Plain Plug Gages
- Trilock
Plain Plug Gages
- Master Setting
Discs – Class XX, X, Y, Z
- Style 1
Master Setting Disc
- Style 2
Master Setting Disc
- Style 3
Master Setting Disc
- Cylindrical
Plain Ring Gages – Class XX, X, Y, Z
- Steel Plain
Ring Gages
- Carbide
Plain Ring Gages
- Straight Pipe
Thread Gages
- Tapered Pipe
- 进口NPT螺纹塞规 (National Pipe Taper)
- 进口NPTF螺纹塞规 (Aeronautical National Pipe Taper)
- 进口ANPT螺纹塞规 (National Pipe Taper Dryseal Pressure-Tight Joints)
- 进口NGT螺纹塞规 (National Gas Taper)
- Dimensional
Metrology Equipment
- ContouReader™
- SquareMaster™
苏州斯托茨机电设备有限公司专业代理美国PMC石油量规,是国内总代理,同时代理德国JBO螺纹塞规、JBO螺纹环规、JBO丝锥、德国JBO板牙、美国Dorsey Metrology量仪、意大利Marposs电子柱、进口气动量仪、schwenk内花键跨棒距量仪、美国密歇根进口花键规、美国Vermont Gage针规、日本三丰粗糙度仪、海克斯康三坐标、Threadmaster螺纹规、PMC石油螺纹规、美国westport硬度块、美国Threadcheck螺纹规等,期待您的咨询。