BSPF螺纹 = British Standard Pipe Fitting惠氏一般密封管螺纹链接
作者:管理员    发布于:2019-06-12 16:15:00    文字:【】【】【
摘要:BSPF(British Standard Pipe Fine Hand Taps)为英制细牙管螺纹;前面两者用於用于密封接合,后边一种用於一般的用于接合
NPT 是 National (American) Pipe Thread 的缩写,属於美国标准的 60 度锥管螺纹,用於北美地区.
BSP为英制管螺纹总体代号,但是分为三种BSPP、BSPT和BSPF。BSPF(British Standard Pipe Fine Hand Taps)为英制细牙管螺纹;前面两者用於用于密封接合,后边一种用於一般的用于接合。

BSPP(British Standard Pipe Parallel (thread))为英制圆柱管螺纹代号,只有内螺纹,相当于国内的55度圆柱(平行)管螺纹,即G

BSPF(British Standard Pipe Fine Hand Taps)为英制细牙管螺纹;前面两者用於用于密封接合,后边一种用於一般的用于接合
BSPF is a very old BS-2779 screw thread designation which is now correctly designated as G and defined in ISO-228.

The following is what I have been told by some old-timers in the British gage industry:

The British Standard Pipe Parallel (BSPP) screw thread was changed to British Standard Pipe Fitting (BSPF) screw thread to remove the confusion between the like sounding BSPP/BSPT screw thread designations.

The new BSPF screw thread designation caused a different confusion in the pipe industry when it was associated with the ANSI Dry-seal taper pipe screw threads. The ANSI taper pipe screw thread series has National Pipe Taper (NPT) screw thread which is the common taper pipe thread and National Pipe Taper Fuel (NPTF) screw thread which is the dry-seal version of the taper pipe thread. Both of these ANSI pipe screw threads are taper pipe screw threads. Thus the British Standard Pipe Fitting (BSPF) parallel screw thread was again being confused with taper pipe screw threads.

To solve this newest confusion the designation was changed in a later version of BS-2779 to British Standard Pipe Mechanical (BSPM) screw thread. This new designation was intended to communicate that the parallel screw thread was similar to the ANSI National Pipe Straight Mechanical (NPSM) parallel screw thread.

Neither the British Standard Pipe Fitting (BSPF) screw thread designation nor the British Standard Pipe Mechanical (BSPM) screw thread designation got wide acceptance and in general the British Standard Pipe Parallel (BSPP) screw thread designation continued to be the common default thread designation.

Many people now use British Standard Pipe (BSP) to refer the current G-series screw thread, but caution is advised when reading a screw thread designation labeled BSP. A British Standard Pipe (BSP) screw thread could be a shortened version of British Standard Pipe Parallel (BSPP) screw thread or British Standard Pipe Taper (BSPT) screw thread. I have seen it both ways.

A final word: BS-2779 has been rescinded and should no longer be used. If you read a requirement for BS-2779, it should be translated to read ISO-228.

    苏州斯文克精密测量设备有限公司于2012年在苏州吴中区国家创业园成立、主营:各类进口量具、螺纹量规、测量仪器、工具刃具等。代理的品牌包括:美国GSG螺纹规法国Plastiform打样胶泥、Cameron密封槽球规、德国Stotz进口气动量仪意大利Marposs进口电子柱德国JBO螺纹规、Mueller Gage沟槽量仪、Gagemaker单项仪Rex雷克斯橡胶硬度计r日本三丰mitutoyo、德国马尔测量仪等,欢迎前来咨询。公司一直遵循着薄利多销的原则、快速响应高端客户需求